Verney Moyo

The South African Institute of Steel Construction Book Prize
awarded for the Master of Architecture (Professional) in the course Architectural Design and Discourse
Rehabilitation and Resilience
Developing an Adaptable Architecture for Wemmer Pan’s Disused Mining Landscapes
I have always been drawn to the creative arts. This interest that I have has found expression through various media: from an early interest in art school, creative writing, and clay modelling, to anatomy and astronomy. In my studies of architecture, my love story with this discipline came about almost by mistake. My choice of this career represents a decision I have never come to regret. The exhaustive expression of detail and the nexus between the realms of the natural and man-made, have constituted my strongest motivations. ‘Rehabilitation and Resilience’ seeks to explore an architectural form that mediates between broken landscapes and the nature of our society. By engaging with the disused mine fields left in the wake of Johannesburg's golden rush, the project explores the formal mechanisms which would provide an agent of change. Through the setting of new precedents, the work aims to restructure and rectify an existing dysfunctional relationship with the land, while taking cognisance of the mistakes of the past.

2020 Prizewinning Projects Exhibition
© 2021 School of Architecture & Planning, University of the Witwatersrand