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Colleen Orsmond
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South African Planning Institute Prize

awarded to the best student in the Postgraduate Diploma in Planning programme

Interrogating and re-purposing urban patterns along Lilian Ngoyi Street, Johannesburg
Designing inner city streets for public transport and pedestrians

Colleen Orsmond graduated from Wits in 1994 with a BCom. Following 12 years abroad working in international sport event management, she returned home to South Africa in 2019 to pursue a career in urban planning. The PG Diploma in Planning served as a bridge into the field. Colleen is currently studying for her Masters in Development Planning at Wits. Her design project for the course ‘Spatial Planning, Transport and Infrastructure’, was grounded in a site analysis of the area around Lilian Ngoyi Street, from the Oriental Plaza to Rissik Street, with a focus on mobility and access. The site analysis underpinned the development of a strategy in which a functional classification of the inner-city street network was created to inform the basic infrastructural needs for each street typology. On the back of the strategy, a design intervention was proposed to improve the conditions for both pedestrians and minibus taxis in the streets surrounding the Metro Mall taxi rank. The design intervention involved moving the taxi entrance from Lilian Ngoyi Street to Gwigwi Mrwebi Street, thus removing the conflict over space along the busy pedestrian route on Lilian Ngoyi. Additional interventions in the surrounding streets focussed on traffic calming measures, improving sidewalk conditions for pedestrians and beautifying the small public spaces in the area, with the final phase in the implementation involving similar improvement measures to all streets in the area, and extending the Metro Mall taxi rank to the north.

2020 Prizewinning Projects Exhibition

© 2021 School of Architecture & Planning, University of the Witwatersrand 

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Umuzi Wokwakha Exhibition

Curated by Nkosilenhle Mavuso, Studio Lecturer

© 2020 School of Architecture & Planning, University of the Witwatersrand 

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