Project: A Journey Around My Room
The current pandemic defined by lockdown, self-isolation and quarantine forced us to abandon the idea of making movies in public space like the streets of Joburg and restart the elective. As a result, we shifted our attention to the interior which we have been asked to retreat and took a journey around our rooms to ultimately meet ourselves in newly defined contexts enforced through distances. The question was to the students was:
How has the outbreak changed your world?
This could be a literal, metaphorical, allegorical, political or whatever lens they choose to investigate the situation. It was meant to be an opportunity to take ownership of a situation which they may feel was ‘out of their control.’ This could be, for example, about isolation, boredom, fear, new habits, surprising discoveries, substitute routines, moments of joy, different ways to meet friends.
The project went through the basic phases of film making:
⁃ Writing a story;
⁃ Turning that story into a script;
⁃ Translating the script into a graphic sequence;
⁃ Producing a 60 seconds short film, that can be considered either a trailer to the
story, or an important moment.