interaction of people & space to create a responsive environment

Nimue Nzelu
Project Description
VISION: Creating a responsive urban environment that speaks to legibility and permeability in Zwelitsha, East London
Aims: To connect the corners of Zwelitsha through permeability and legibility
To implement visual and physical permeability, more especially in public spaces that are accessible to everyone within the community through providing alternative and visible routes
To create smaller blocks or paths that pedestrians can use as alternative through reinforcing road hierarchy
Create spaces that avoid built in segregation through creating new routes, reinforcing clear street frontages and the five key physical elements (edges, paths, districts and landmarks)
To reinforce public and private permeability to create clear paths
To create a legible environment through the implementation of five key physical elements
To facilitate public expression through creating spaces that facilitate public activities (such as informal traders and tourist activities)
Main Idea of UDF: Permeability & Legibility
The urban design framework proposes transforming Zwelitsha
in the Eastern Cape into a responsive environment through the
implementation of permeability and legibility These two concepts connects the corners of Zwelitsha through implementing subcomponents of legibility and permeability in order to connect the corners in Zwelitsha Public spaces were also transformed to best suit pedestrian movement.
The detailed analysis of the Precedent Study Terhan Iran) provided detailed inspiration on how to make Zwelitsha into a more responsive environment through legibility and permeability.
The implementation of new pedestrian routes and paths, major nodes such as a cell phone tower, park, Bath Hare Stadium and cultural nodes such as museums, parks, city hall/theatre allow for the community to be more present and interactive with their space.
The precinct design is a overall design that features physical and non physical legibility and permeability that make Zwelitsha into a responsive environment through connecting corner and public spaces. This design allows for there to be access to different land uses at close proximity, whilst making sure that the guiding principles are used.